Help The Troop

We need Parent Volunteers!

Troop 628 offers an active, high-quality BSA program to our Scouts, but to do this, we expect help from all our parents. Although we encourage adults to join as either ASMs or members of the Troop Committee, there are many jobs you can do without joining, such as being a Merit Badge Counselor, helping out with an activity, or helping with refreshments at a Court of Honor. Being an active adult in a Troop has proven to help keep boys in Scouting longer.

Scouting is a volunteer organization. We know we all have very active schedules outside of Scouting, but we expect each Scout family to please find some time to help support the Troop and all it offers to your son(s) in some way each year. Your time and talents will be much appreciated.                                                                                                                                                   

The Troop Resource Survey document below is to be completed by each Scout family and returned to the Committee Chair.