Assistant ScoutMaster

One of the most direct ways to participate as an adult is to become an ASM.  Troop 628 encourages everyone who can spare the time and wants to be a part of their son's development, as well as help other scouts along their journey, to become an ASM.

BSA Required Training for all Registered Leaders

Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader!

In order for a Boy Scout Leader Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) to be fully trained, the following courses must be completed:


Youth Protection [available online] [Expires every 2 years]

Boy Scout Leader Fast Start [available online]

This is Scouting [replaces New Leader Essentials] [available online]

Boy Scout Leader Specific Training (BSLST) (also known as SM I, SM II, SM III)

Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS)


For Tour Plans/Permits, we also need ASMs who have completed the following training (most available online!) for each outing:

Weather Hazards [available online] [Expires every 2 years]

Safe Swim Defense [available online]  [Expires every 2 years]

Safety Afloat [available online] [Expires every 2 years]

Trek Safely [available online] [Expires every 2 years]

Climb On Safely [available online]  [Expires every 2 years]

Physical Wellness [available online]

First Aid [Expires every 2 years]

CPR and AED [Expires every 2 years]

Wilderness First Aid [Expires every 2 years]


Where to Get Trained

Online Training

Many of the Required Training courses can be completed online, in the convenience of your own home. Visit the BSA Online Training Center at My Scouting.


New members will need to take YPT in order to submit your application. Once registered, you will be assigned a BSA ID number. It is very important that you add this BSA ID number to your online profile, as we need to be able to track training for tour plans and re-chartering.


Your “MyScouting Profile”

New members will need to take YPT in order to submit your application. Create an online profile at My Scouting, complete the course, print your certificate, and attach it to your application.

Once your application is approved and you are registered, you will be assigned a BSA ID number. It is very important that you add this BSA ID number to your online profile at My Scouting, as we need to be able to track training for tour plans and re-chartering. You must enter this member ID into your MyScouting profile so that your local council has a record of the training you have taken online. To do this, log into MyScouting, click My Profile, and enter your member ID number. This links your Youth Protection training, and any other MyScouting training, to your BSA membership.

Other BSA Training Links

BSA Training Home

BSA Training-Adult Information about each course.


Face-to-Face Training

The Districts in our Council offer many opportunities for Adult Leadership Training. The links below offer more information - you can also check with the Scoutmaster or the Committee Chair.


Montgomery District Training


Baltimore Council Training and check the BC District Training links from there.

Report Your Training

After you complete a training course, please email our training coordinator the course name and date of completion so that we can keep our training records up-to-date.